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Legendary items Guide Shadowlands

Read complete Legendary items Shadowlands guide with tips and tricks.

Legendary items Guide Shadowlands

  • Legendary for 1 class since you get 48 level renown
  • You still can use only 1 legendary.
  • 2 levels of upgrade - 249 and 262. You can do it for soul dust.
  • You need new reagents from Korthia to do new legendary. Since it's BOE you can buy it.

Legendary craft cost

Tier 5 - 249 level - 400 soul dust
Tier 6 - 262 level - 1650 soul dust - 1250 sould dust to upgrade from tier 5.

Here is available Soul Dust per week:

FIRST WEEK - 120 SD Thorgast + 150 SD from quest + 20SD from missions = 290 total
SECOND WEEK - 220 Thorgast + 250 questing + 20 mission = 780 total
THIRD WEEK - 300 thorgast + 150 questing + 20 mission = 1250 total
FOURTH WEEK - 300 + 150 + 20 = 1720 total
FIFTH WEEK - 300 + 150 + 20 = 2190 total