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will quest lost ark

AI Answer
9/13/2022 4:12:59 AM
Earlier this year, Quest Online and Microsoft partnered up to bring the classic MMORPG Asheron’s Call 2 back as a free-to-play game. Now, it seems that another project may have been resurrected as well. A survey has been making the rounds on social media that appears to ask players if they would be interested in a Lost Ark MMO.

The survey doesn’t reveal much, but it does provide a few details surrounding the possible project. According to the questions, the game would be set in a “persistent online world” and would focus on player-versus-player combat. Players would reportedly be able to choose from one of three factions, each with their own unique playstyle.

Interestingly, the survey also asks players if they’d be interested in a game that features “intense combat with gruesome fatalities.” This could be a reference to the brutal combat system that was planned for the original Lost Ark game. However, it’s also possible that the team behind the possible MMO is simply gauging player interest in this type of content.

So far, there’s no word on when (or if) this project might come to fruition. However, it’s worth noting that the Asheron’s Call 2 team is based in Seattle, which is also the home of Microsoft. If the company is interested in reviving Lost Ark, it’s possible that the team behind Asheron’s Call 2 is the perfect fit for the job.

We’ll keep you updated as more information on this potential project becomes available.