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how to chat on apex legends pc

AI Answer
9/26/2022 7:17:02 AM
If you're looking to chat with friends while playing Apex Legends on PC, there are a few different ways you can go about it. Here are a few tips on how to chat on Apex Legends PC.

If you're in the lobby, you can chat with your squad by clicking on the chat box in the bottom left corner. You can also mute individual squadmates by clicking on their name in the chat box.

In-game, you can bring up the chat box by pressing "enter." You can then choose to chat with your squad, or all players. You can also mute individual players by clicking on their name in the chat box.

If you're using a headset, you can use push-to-talk by default. This will allow you to talk to your squad without having to hold down a button. You can also use push-to-talk to talk to all players, but this will use up more bandwidth.

If you're not using a headset, you can still use the chat box to type out messages. However, keep in mind that everyone will be able to see what you're typing. So if you're typing something out trying to be sneaky, be aware that your squadmates may be able to see it.

And that's a few tips on how to chat on Apex Legends PC. So get out there and squad up with your friends, and be sure to communicate so you can dominate the competition.