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WoTLK Mining Guide

Read our guide about the Mining Leveling in WoW WotLK!


Mining Leveling Guide 1-450 will help you quickly learn the profession to the maximum and find all the best ore spots!

Also if you have a lot of gold, you can skip almost all of entire mining by smelting ores. Here is approxiate number of ores that you will need, but it all depends on your luck.

Сaves in this guide shown as small circle, if you find in a picture thing, that look like circle but it isn't, this is a mining area.

Required resources:

120 x Copper Ore

70 x Tin Ore

70 x Copper Bar, 70 x Tin Bar

30 x Silver Ore

60 x Iron Ore

25 x Gold Ore

240 x Mithril Ore

20 x Truesilver Ore

160 x Thorium Ore

400 x Fel Iron Ore

180 x Adamantite Ore


1 - 65: 120 x Smelt Copper

65 - 75: 70 x Smelt Tin

75 - 105: 70 x Smelt Bronze

105 - 125: 30 x Smelt Silver

125 - 155: 60 x Smelt Iron

155 - 175: 25 x Smelt Gold

175 - 200: 40 x Smelt Mithril when you reach 200, learn Artisan Mining from trainer.

200 - 230: 200 x Smelt Mithril

230 - 250: 20 x Smelt Truesilver

250 - 290: 160 x Smelt Thorium

290 - 300: There is nothing that you can smelt and recieve mining level, so you need to mine Thorium Ore

300 - 325: 200 x Smelt Fel Iron

325 - 340: 90 x Smelt Adamantite


1. 1 - 65

2. 65 - 125

3. 125 - 175

4. 175 - 245

5. 245 - 275

6. 275 - 300

7. 300 - 325

8. 325 - 350

9. 350 - 400

10. 400 - 450

11. Conclusion

1. 1 - 65 Horde

Horde Mining trainers:

Makaru - Orgrimmar.

Brom Killian - Undercity.

Brek Stonehoof - Thunder Bluff

Johan Focht - Silverpine Forest.

Krunn - Durotar.

Pikkle - Tanaris.

Belil - Silvermoon City.

Ores that you need to mine: Copper Ore

Learn Mining(Apprentice). Start from X-mark, then mine toward cave, then go to the other two red circles. After you reach level 65, learn Mining(Journeyman) in the city. Then you can move on to the next location.

Learn Mining(Apprentice). If your char level high, you can mine any of caves first and then go toward red line and mine other caves. If your level is low, so you need to skeep all caves and only follow red line and mine anything you can find. After you reach level 65, learn Mining(Journeyman) in the city. Then you can move on to the next location.

Learn Mining(Apprentice). Now you can start mining from west side of the map and move to the east side and after you finished mining east side, move to the upper side of the map. After you reach level 65, learn Mining(Journeyman) in the city. Then you can move on to the next location.

1. 1 - 65 Alliance

Alliance Mining trainers:

Geofram Bouldertoe - Ironforge.

Gelman Stonehand - Stormwind City.

Kurdram Stonehammer - Darkshore.

Matt Johnson - Duskwood.

Yarr Hammerstone - Dun Morogh.

Pikkle - Tanaris.

Muaat - The Exodar

Learn Mining(Apprentice). Start from stormwind gates and move on toward east side and follow rest of the path that you can find in picture. If your character level is low, skip all caves. After you reach level 65, learn Mining(Journeyman) in the city. Then you can move on to the next location.

Learn Mining(Apprentice). Start from Auberdine and follow the red line. After you reach level 65, learn Mining(Journeyman) in the city. Then you can move on to the Ashenvale.

Learn Mining(Apprentice). Start mining at the beginning of the river in west side and then move on toward east side by following rest of the path that you can find in picture. If your character level is low, skip all caves. After you reach level 65, learn Mining(Journeyman) in the city. Then you can move on to the next location.

2. 65 - 125

Ores that you need to mine: Copper Ore, Tin Ore, Silver Ore

Start from Tarren mill and follow red line in the picture. If your character level is low, skip all caves. After you reach level 125, learn Mining(Expert). Then you can move on to the next location.

Start near the Everstill lake and follow red line. If your character level is low, skip all caves. After you reach level 125, learn Mining(Expert). Then you can move on to the next location.

Start around Astranaar, you can see in the picture two horisontal red lines, start from top line. If your character level is low, you need to skip cave. After you reach level 125, learn Mining(Expert). Then you can move on to the next location.

Start from vertical red line near the Durotar and mine near the line. As you finished first area, you can start from the lake when pointer is shown in the picture. As far as you moving botton of the line, mobs that you will see will be stronger. After you reach level 125, learn Mining(Expert). Then you can move on to the next location.

3. 125 - 175

Ores that you need to mine: Tin Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore

Mine through red line in the picture, if your character level is low, you need to skip all caves. After you reach level 175, then you can move on to the next location.

Mine through red line in the picture. After you reach level 175, then you can move on to the next location.

Mine through red line in the picture, if your character level is low, you need to skip all caves. After you reach level 175, then you can move on to the next location.

4. 175 - 245

Ores that you need to mine: Mithril Ore, Truesilver Ore

Start from east of the location, here is vertical red line, that will be great start for your mining, follow red line and after you reach mining 200, go to the trainer and learn Mining(Artisan), then go back and reach level 245, then you can go to the next location.

Start mining from around Gadgetzan, follow red line and after you reach mining 200, go to the trainer and learn Mining(Artisan), then go back and reach level 245, then you can go to the next location.

5. 245 - 275

Ores that you need to mine: Mithril Ore, Truesilver Ore, Thorium Ore

Start mining around Marshal's Refuge and follow red line. If your character level is low, you need to skip all caves. After you reach mining 275, you can go to the next location.

Start mining around Marshal's Refuge, follow red line and mine anything that you can see. If your character level is low, you need to skip cave. And here is cave on top of the map, that's cave only for horde. After you reach mining 275, you can go to the next location.

Start mining from top of the Irontree woods and follow the red line on the picture. If your character level is low, you need to skip cave. After you reach mining 275, you can go to the next location.

6. 275 - 300

Ores that you need to mine: Mithril Ore, Thorium Ore

Start mine from Marshal's Refuge and follow the red line. After you reach mining 300, you can go to the next location.

Start mining from Light's Hope Chapel and follow red line in the picture. After you reach mining 300, you can go to the next location.

Start mining from the top of Ruins of Thaurissan and follow red line. After you reach mining 300, you can go to the next location.

7. 300 - 325

Now you need to go to the Outland. Here are Mining(Master) trainers (A) Hurnak Grimmord - Hellfire Peninsula, (H) Krugosh - Hellfire Peninsula, and Hanlir (The Scryers) or Fono (The Aldor) - Shattrath City.

Start mining from the Legion Front and follow red line. When you reach mining 325, go to the next location.

8. 325 - 350

Start mining from Cenarian Refuge and follow red line in the picture. When you reach mining 350, go to the Northrend.

Start mining from Shattrath City and follow red line. When you reach mining 350, go to the Northrend.

9. 350 - 400

Now you need to go to the Northrend. Here are Mining(Grand Master) trainers in Borean Tundra - (A) Fendrig Redbeard, (H) Brunna Ironaxe. Howling Fjord - (A) Grumbol Stoutpick, (H) Jonathan Lewis. Dalaran - Jedidiah Handers.

Learn Mining(Grand Master). Start mining from Warsong Hold, and follow red line. When you reach mining 400, go to the next location.

Learn Mining(Grand Master). Start mining from New Agamand, and follow red line. When you reach mining 400, go to the next location.

10. 400 - 450

Start mining from Nesingwary Base Camp, and follow red line.

11. Conclusion

Thanks for watching our Mining guide. Now you know how to raise your Mining level as quickly as possible!

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